
Personal Development

Course Lessons

Total: 10 Lessons

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Course Reviews:


210 Ratings

Average Rating

  • 5 STARS
  • 4 STARS
  • 3 STARS
  • 2 STARS
  • 1 STAR


  • useful content

  • nice content

  • Good content. Must for Managerial level technical persons.

  • Useful Course with good contents.

  • good contents related to the topic

  • Interesting, excellent content, very Useful course and good topics

  • Very useful to develop personal development

  • The content seems to be corporate oriented, which may not suits NIC people spanning whole India. A typical NICian sitting in district will have to interact with top level government officials, sometimes with political leaders, Judicial officers, Police officers etc. The topics related to dealing with such machineries are of great benefit to NICians. Think of a newly recruited coporate trained NICian have to deal with the above counterparts, I feel corporate culture may not help much. The examples also mentions about strategies to increase profits etc, i think it should have been indian version examples specific to NIC work related. The new recruits must pass these lessons before posting into districts or key areas. I totally agree with Mr Vipin Bose and hence i have copied his comments too. Thank you Vipin for talking my mind. Absolutely irrelevant content in the course. Not suitable for a siloed govt dept like NIC and out of sync for the role played by DIO and ADIO. Of course a few sentences are applicable to each one of us, but those are all general knowledge, nothing to be learnt anew. Hope someone reads these comments and work upon it.

  • Good content... very useful for all.....

  • Very Useful Course

  • MDP & TDP Course very Useful, Good platform for Learning ,Very much Informative

  • The content seems to be corporate oriented, which may not suits NIC people spanning whole India. A typical NICian sitting in district will have to interact with top level government officials, sometimes with political leaders, Judicial officers, Police officers etc. The topics related to dealing with such machineries are of great benefit to NICians. Think of a newly recruited coporate trained NICian have to deal with the above counterparts, I feel corporate culture may not help much. The examples also mentions about strategies to increase profits etc, i think it should have been indian version examples specific to NIC work related. The new recruits must pass these lessons before posting into districts or key areas.

  • Excellent

  • Good contents useful for all.

  • Excellent

  • good

  • Good.

  • good content

  • Excellent technique

  • Good

  • excellent

  • Excellent contents focusing on real time working ethics to improve the organizational values.

  • Very Interesting ...and helpful

  • Very interesting

  • excellent content and very useful

  • Very Nice

  • can be explained in short

  • good platform for learning

  • Excellent

  • Excellent. The topics are very relevant and explained with real life examples

  • Thanks a lot for the course. By the end of course, it helps me for insight about myself.

  • The orientation topics were excellent and reiterates the workspace management.

  • Useful course good topics

  • Interesting and useful course.

  • Nice and logical content

  • Good

  • Very relevant and helpful course and aware me about duties and responsibilities. Course contains are very relates with our working. Thanks .

  • Useful in learning

  • good

  • Useful for handling your boss and goals

  • Helpful

  • Nice course contents

  • very useful course

  • Very Helpful course and a great reminder for human touch

  • Very relevant and useful course and nicely presented .

  • Good

  • Very useful course.

  • Good course on personality development.

  • useable

  • Few sub topics are very good..

  • Relevant and useful

  • very useful course with useful related contents

  • Good personal development

  • good

  • relevant and useful

  • Visuals make it easy to understand and practice.

  • It is a very effective course as far as NIC's working domain and responsibilities are concerned

  • Very much Informative

  • This was a good course.

  • Very Good Course

  • the course is very good

  • This course is good for improving personality development

  • This course is framed to develop our personality skill set

  • its good

  • This course is very helpful for personality development

  • very good



  • Very relevant and useful topic.

  • Excellent Course Lessons. Very much useful.

  • Very useful course for Personal development.

  • Very useful content...

  • Very Useful course

  • Very useful information and nicely presented.

  • Very relevant and useful.

  • Very useful and meaningful content

  • Useful Contents

  • Useful

  • Very useful course

  • Good

  • Very well laid out. An online session should be held on this topic too

  • Very useful course.

  • Useful and Interesting course

  • Very well thought n organized lectures for Personal Development.

  • good

  • Excellent course

  • Very useful course

  • Very useful and interesting course

  • Good course

  • Good contents.. Very useful

  • Very nicely elaborated course

  • Well Articulated..

  • Its really good for build up your Goal.

  • Nicely explained, and a very useful course for personal development.

  • This course is very helpful and nicely explained for personal development.

  • Very useful and interesting course.

  • Really helpful in personal development.

  • Good, Nicely explained unconscious bios, negative influence

  • Very useful.

  • It's very useful for positive influence at workplace

  • Very Course. Public speaking part is nicely designed.

  • Crisp and precise

  • very useful

  • Very useful course

  • Good. I was able to review my self by competing this course.

  • Useful Course especially for new comers

  • Useful

  • useful and interesting course

  • Useful

  • Good

  • Good Course

  • Very good. Also consider some practical situations while discussing 'Rapport building with Boss'

  • Good job.

  • useful and Interesting course.

  • Good and helpful content available for Personal Development.

  • It is very good course for Personal Development

  • Good and interesting, Very Useful. Well explained.

  • Good course ...everyone must go through

  • Very Good presentation and its helpful in skill development.

  • A must training for every employee of an organisation.

  • We have to try to follow all these to be on top.

  • Very good and helpful in skill development

  • ok

  • Very relevant and useful topic. Must watch.

  • Very useful course , one should go through the course for personnel development.

  • precise and well designed

  • Informative

  • nice course to develop professional attitude and work culture

  • good and helpful

  • very Informative and Useful for NIC Officials in the Distrcts. In Districts we are TechnoManagers.

  • Provides good insigths..

  • Nice Course

  • Very useful

  • Basic concepts

  • Really useful

  • Really Very useful

  • More elaborations required.

  • very good concept

  • very useful course

  • nice course

  • good

  • useful

  • Very Interesting course for NICIAN.

  • good course

  • Covered all the topics relating to Personality development and really useful.

  • Good

  • Best course for soft skills development

  • Good

  • Excellent

  • Interesting course

  • Very useful and informative course.

  • Nice.

  • Useful Topic

  • Good one.

  • Yes looks very interesting course.

  • Very useful and interesting course.

  • Very useful course with actionable insights.

  • Very useful and realistic, nice to find such material which is 100% practical and doable.

  • very informative

  • Interesting and helpful. Surely help me in improving my performance

  • Interesting.

  • Excellent course for personality development. Thanks.

  • Helpful.

  • Excellent course

  • It is very useful and helpful.

  • very helpful

  • Very informative

  • very informative

  • Useful for All. One would feel better and focused in Workplace after completing this course

  • Yes, it's good for me and for others.

  • Content is very good. Helpful for individual development and motivation.

  • Excellent course through simple and effective presentation for the personal development of all.

  • Interesting and productive course

  • Great learning

  • Very good. It helps and improve individual in many way.

  • Good Course. It helps to improve individual in many ways.

  • Very good course, came to know about how to have approach towards the work .

  • Very good Course. it helps and improve individual in many way

  • Very good Presentation

  • Good and helpfull to enhance reasoning capability

  • Very Good Course, everyone needs to attempt ..helpful for individual awareness ..

  • interesting

  • I learnt that a lot of things i was already doing unconsciously...and what I learnt is "IT STARTS from your HOME" .... these courses did give me a better approach at work place.

  • Very Useful

  • Interesting.

  • Very useful & interesting

  • Excellent presentation

  • Good and interesting course

  • Nice one. Helpful for all.

  • Good course

  • Beutifully Drafted , Simple and useful Content

  • Good and interesting

  • Beutifully Drafted , Simple and useful Content


  • Precise, simple and useful Content

  • Good

  • Very useful and nice course.

  • Quite Good

  • Well articulated and useful.

  • very nice course. Questions and answers are very challenging

  • Helpful for DIO

  • helpful in enhancing reasoning capability...

  • Questions and answers keep on changing every time that make it serious reading. Interesting.

  • Very Good and interesting ..

  • Very good Indeed and relevant too.

  • Very good. Questions and answers keep on changing, more examples are incorporated, there is a general awareness about test, before actual test

  • Very helpful course

  • Very good

  • Great and helpful

  • Excellent