
Workplace Management

Course Lessons

Total: 7 Lessons

Course Reviews:


53 Ratings

Average Rating

  • 5 STARS
  • 4 STARS
  • 3 STARS
  • 2 STARS
  • 1 STAR


  • Good one on Stress management

  • beautifully collected

  • Too heavy for IT professionals to implement

  • good

  • Very Good !

  • Nicely prepared and Very Useful course.

  • Very nice course not only for work place but also for routine life.

  • Very useful and nicely prepared .

  • Very Useful

  • Good and the best part is Animation which made it exemplary ..

  • good

  • very informative

  • Very good contents and well presented.

  • Good relevant course

  • Highly Informative..

  • Useful course

  • Good course.. pdf version of the lectures should be provided

  • These courses are highly relevant, course module is well designed.

  • Good Course, please do it...once can understand types of Conflicts in work place and how to avoid....

  • Good material but some improvements required. Overall it was knowledgeable and may be applied at work place for improvement, developing cohesive team, self motivation and stress management.

  • Course is designed considering practical situation. The work function and graphics are the only ingredients that may need desi flavour

  • Very nice course

  • Very Informative and nicely presented.

  • Very Informative...

  • Very useful for all TDs and above

  • Course is a collection of good topics.

  • good one. systems thinking, stress management team cohesiveness are good topics

  • Very informative and nicely composed.

  • Good course. A text material may be supplemented. Accent may be chosen even better.

  • Good

  • Course is good and helpful.

  • Very informative and nicely designed course

  • Excellent course. Very useful.

  • Nicely structured lessons. Good

  • Nicely designed for Managers. Good course

  • Excellent course.

  • Excellent course

  • Very Good Courses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Good one for Stress and Pressure handling. It can be more illustrative for unerstanding different approaches.

  • Excellent course for Managers

  • Its really good and explained the objective and thought process of all 4 generations. Really very helping.

  • Good one

  • short and good approach in driving the points

  • Good lessons on teamwork and collaborative effort.

  • Very nicely designed course.

  • Very good...

  • Very Good

  • Much required and informative. Thanks for making this available.

  • informative and will be useful in workplace management

  • very good explanation

  • Very informative contents

  • Excellent, well explained

  • Good and Simple